Membership Renewal Information
All Taradale Club memberships need to be renewed by 30 September each year.
To renew your membership, please deposit the money into the following account using your name, membership number (if known) and 'Subs' as reference. Bank Account Number: 15-3974-0021575-00
Full Membership is $50 for the full year, to be up for renewal at the end of September.
Please contact our office on 06 844 2088 extension 1 to find out our current membership price until the end of September.
Partner Membership = ($50+) $25 for your partner living with you
Family Membership = ($50+) $40 for your family of up to 1 partner and 3 children living with you
Your card will be printed ready for collection from the BAR
Ring us on 06 844 2088 extension 1 if you have any queries regarding membership renewal.
To renew your membership, please deposit the money into the following account using your name, membership number (if known) and 'Subs' as reference. Bank Account Number: 15-3974-0021575-00
Full Membership is $50 for the full year, to be up for renewal at the end of September.
Please contact our office on 06 844 2088 extension 1 to find out our current membership price until the end of September.
Partner Membership = ($50+) $25 for your partner living with you
Family Membership = ($50+) $40 for your family of up to 1 partner and 3 children living with you
Your card will be printed ready for collection from the BAR
Ring us on 06 844 2088 extension 1 if you have any queries regarding membership renewal.